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Our efforts to support our network of 70+ Asian organizations that are serving our communities on the frontlines is more critical than ever.

Please join us to support the vital work of these nonprofits and help our pan-Asian community recover from the economic and social ravages of the pandemic. Your donation will help us protect our communities facing hate; ensure food and comfort to Asian seniors; support Asian small business owners with advocacy and increased access to funding, and build resilience in our communities through mental health programs.

Every dollar you give now will help us support our member nonprofits and our communities with the advocacy, resources, and programs they need to sustain themselves during and after these difficult times have passed.
Asian American Federation logo
In Support of Asian American Federation

The Asian American Federation (AAF) is the strongest leadership organization advocating for better policies, services, and funding that lead to more justice and opportunity for 1.5 million Asian New Yorkers. And we do this work in partnership with our 70 member and partner organizations. We represent the collective interests of  Asian New Yorkers when it comes to issues of anti-Asian violence, mental health, economic empowerment, immigrant integration, and civic engagement. Our efforts ensure that the Asian community remains visible, our needs are addressed, our contributions are valued, and our stories are told. Find out more at www.aafederation.org.